Friday, January 14, 2011

Review: Crossfire by Lisa Marie Rice

Since I'm a big romantic suspense fan, I had seen this book when I was surfing on the web and after reading description what the book was about, decided to give it a read.  Sam Reston, very much an alpha male and former Navy SEAL had his sights on Nicole Pearce.  Nicole is a beautiful, intelligent woman who is trying to keep her business afloat as a translator while taking care of a very ill father.  Sam, who owns a security company, works across the hall from Nicole's office and that's how they meet.  I liked the steamy relationship Sam & Nicole share, but the story was only "okay" for me.  There was definitely suspense in this story, but the terrorist plot seemed a little off.  Especially the end of the book.  Like most books, everything ended up rather "neat and tidy" as most endings in these stories do. Since this is the first story from the Protectors series, I look forward to reading about Sam's "brothers" (not actual brothers but foster brothers) and the relationships they will have in upcoming books. 

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