I find myself always in possession of more books that I can read in a certain amount of time. Does that happen to you? For example, I get in a groove where I'm reading one or two books, finish them, then find myself surfing the web checking out other blogs, reviews and Amazon and see if the books I'm interested in are available at my local library. It they're not available, I reserve them and if they are available, I try to get down to my library so I can check them out. Of course, I always check out WAY more books that I can read until they're due back to the library...does that make me a book slut??? LOL! I think so! Keep in mind, I already have a HUGE TBR pile here at home. I think I'm hopeless...but HAPPY!
Here are a couple of books I'm in the middle of reading:
Under Fire by Beth Cornelison. I happened upon this when I was looking from something to read at the library. Saw the spine, so pulled the book from the shelf and read the description. Never heard of the author and this is the first book from Samhain Publishing I've read. All I can say is I have not been disappointed so far. A lot of action, romance and the dialogue is great. I will have more of a summary of the book after I read. I'm glad I stumbled upon this find!

Cover your eyes on this cover! LOL! I saw this available via eBook that I can check out from the the library. Pretty cool! I have heard of Lisa Marie Rice but never read any of her books. Thought I'd give it a try with this one. I'm pretty pleased with it so far. I will also give a summary of this book once I finish it. I installed an app on my iPhone called OverDrive. Since the eBook system that I check out from uses this program, I can download these eBooks right to the OverDrive app. It's pretty cool. NOTE: It must be in Adobe ePub Format. I've already got a few on my wish list and a couple on reserve. I get an email when they are available. What a great find this was!
Trying to get in the swing of things again after having time off during the holidays. Unfortunately, that's less time for reading, but I'll definitely make the time!
Happy New Year!
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